I’ve run the LA Marathon several times and think it’s the most under-rated marathon in the United States. Why isn’t it grouped in with the other big city marathons like new York, Chicago or Boston?? Los Angeles is everything! But, we can talk about that another time.

Today I have a bunch of links and suggestions if you’re running the race. check out my race recaps, last minute race tips, guidance I got from a pro Olympic marathon trainer and remarkable food around the LA Marathon!


I’m doing a live podcast interview with Amanda from Run to the finish about her new book –

Run to the finish book trip podcast

RSVP at the bottom of this post if you want to join us!

If you just want to check out the race recaps – scroll down for those. I have pictures, details, tips, thoughts on the course, weather and much more on those marathon race day posts!

LA Marathon Tips, Race Recaps and more!

LA Marathon suggestions from trainer Andrew Kastor w/ Deena Kastor & Ryan Hall 

LA Marathon training update during a stormy weekend in SoCal

LA Marathon – the best Pre-Race Food and Sightseeing 

LA Marathon training Check-in & best eat and Repeat for the month Podcast 65

How this runner PR-ed and got a BQ without long runs during marathon training. Podcast 78

5 Last minute suggestions for the LA Marathon 

LA Marathon Race Recaps

LA Marathon Race recap 2013 – surprise pr 3:42:15

LA Marathon Race recap 2014 – finish Time: 3:42:34

LA Marathon Race recap 2015 finish time 3:54:12

LA Marathon Race recap 2016 finish time 4:07:10

LA Marathon Race recap 2017 – finish Time 3:47:07 

And if you’re in the area I hope you’ll join Amanda Brooks and I for an easy shake out run and to talk about her new running book – Run to the Finish.

About the book:

Run To The Finish: The everyday Runner’s guide to avoiding Injury, Ignoring the Clock, and Loving the Run – is much more than a training guide, it’s a pointer that we don’t always have to chase the fastest times to be a terrific runner. It’s a laugh out loud look at our running, followed by suggestions that will help you continue running for numerous years to come.

Run to the finish book trip – LA Marathon shake out run & live Podcast

Run to the finish Santa Monica book trip event & Shake Out Run

Date: Saturday, March 7

Time: 9AM

Location: Santa Monica road Runner Sports

Address: 1338 4th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401

>>> RSVP HERE  <<< This will be a very easy shake out run starting at 9AM from the store. We’ll head across the street to run along the water, where I will probably need to get a photo because it’s just so dang pretty. ALL PACES are welcome and if you’re running the marathon, this is genuinely an easy shake out run. After that, we’ll hang out at the store for this live talk with Monica to help you pick up some terrific last minute suggestions for race day and spend some time refueling and recovering. CANNOT wait to meet you and delight in the day! **SKIP THE RUN. If you’re just not up for it, then join us at 9:30AM for the talk, the treats and the community. Hope you’ll join us! >>> RSVP HERE  <<< If you have any questions – please feel totally free to reach out. Email – RunEatRepeat@gmail.com DM me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat  4Save Delning är omtänksam! 4 Stift Dela med sig Tweet Dela med sig Post Dela med sig Fortsätt välja dessa: Run to the finish Podcast 134 Run to the finish Podcast 134 Run to the finish with Amanda Brooks interview on the Run eat Repeat Podcast episode 134. Her new book, recent race and how to fit Marathon training into your busy Life with Running trainer Podcast 96Hur man passar maratonträning i ditt livliga liv med Running Trainer Podcast 96 Hur man passar maratonträning i ett heltidsarbete och familjeliv. Går från ett maraton till en ultramaraton, Trail Ru Bör dig sträcka eller skumrulle efter en körning och OC Half Marathon Recap Podcast 79 Bör dig sträcka eller skumrulle efter en körning och OC Half Marathon Recap Podcast 79 OC Half Marathon Resultat och sammanfattning. Race Day -förslag och granskning av kursen. och skumrullning kontra stretching - vilket är b Innan La Marathon Check Out dessa tips Innan La Marathon Check Out dessa tips Jag älskar La Marathon !! Jag tror att det är en av de bästa maratonerna i USA och inte får den kreditrapport som den förtjänar! La har Run Disney Race Day Packing List Helt gratis utskrivbar pdf Run Disney Race Day Packing List Helt gratis utskrivbar pdf Helt gratis Run Disney Race Weekend Packing List. Walt Disney World Marathon, hälften, 10K och 5K Race Day Packing List. Den högsta listan över att köra mål för det nya året Den högsta listan över att köra mål för det nya året Den högsta listan över att köra mål för 2022. Nyårsresultat Arbetsbok Helt gratis guide för att sätta dina bästa löpande mål ännu! ⚡ av Shareaholic . Målinställning arbetsbok Sätt stora löpmål! Jagar ner dem. Denna träning hjälper dig: Jag vill ha arbetsboken! Vi respekterar din integritet. Avsluta prenumerationen när som helst. Byggd med convertkit ✕